Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Vote for the Dead Sea

In only 3 days, there will be a campaign for The New 7 Wonders of the World and The Dead Sea is an official FINALIST!!! But it needs your help!!! CLICK HERE TO VOTE FOR THE DEAD SEA, and if you are in Israel you can text the words "Dead Sea" to 2244. 

In many cases, in order to fully comprehend the intense beauty and wonder of a place, you have to go and experience it for yourself. Take my word for it - The Dead Sea, Israel, should be high on the list of places you want to visit in your life. Just like when I was living in L.A., my friends and I would drive to San Diego (2 hours away), Vegas (5 hours), and San Francisco (6 hours) for a weekend getaway. Now that I am living in Israel, one of my favorite weekend getaways is the Dead Sea, and it's only a mere 90 minutes away from Tel Aviv by car. 

The Dead Sea is one of the most unique, historic, beautiful and fascinating places I've ever had the opportunity to visit. Located on the border between Israel and Jordan, The Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth.  It is also the saltiest body of water in the world. I'm sure you're all familiar with the images of people walking around with mud all over their bodies when they visit the Dead Sea. That is because the mud is so rich with minerals and salts, it's one of the best natural treatments for your skin. The air their also has 6% more oxygen than anywhere else in the world, you can actually breathe better too! The most unique characteristic of The Dead Sea is the fact that you float effortlessly in the water because of the high concentration of salt. When floating in the water, you literally feel like you are lifted from gravity. The beauty of the mountains surrounding The Dead Sea makes you feel like you are floating in heaven. 

 CLICK HERE TO VOTE FOR THE DEAD SEA, and if you are in Israel you can text the words "Dead Sea" to 2244. 

Floating on the Dead Sea

Last month, artist Spencer Tunick published the first photo of his instillation where 1,000 people took off their clothes and floated in The Dead Sea. Tunic said he wanted to stress the fact that The Dead Sea was drying up hopes that his work would be associated with the human-made natural disaster at hand and not with war. 

Visiting the Dead Sea with my boyfriend and twin sister. 

This is very important for Israel and therefore important to me. It would help the economy tremendously and shine a positive light on the country that it needs and deserves. This vote can change the worlds perspective and show that Israel is a country so so so much more than just war.

 CLICK HERE TO VOTE FOR THE DEAD SEA, and if you are in Israel you can text the words "Dead Sea" to 2244. 


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